Ada was dedicated at Salem Evangelical Church this last Sunday, by Pastor Randy Butler. She did such a good job, smiling at the congregation and being mesmorized by the lights.
We are so proud of our sweet little girl. She is just growing up so fast. After service, we went out for a celebratory lunch. In company were Ada's Nana and PopPop, Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Al, Auntie Michelle and Uncle Scott, Her Great Aunt Kari, Great Uncle Ken, Great Grandmother and Granddad, and her Great Grandma and Grandpa. I think she made it about half way around the table before she broke down from seeing too many faces. She loves them all... just in moderation ;) Congratulations Ada Jean! You have a fun road ahead of you with your new buddy, Jesus!

This was such a beautiful day. I think Ada knew that the day was special for her. She was so cute!