Little Miss Ada gets so excited for her baths! When I lay her on the bathroom mat, it's like cannot get the tub filled fast enough! Might we have a water baby on our hands?
Ada's grandma thought it would be "funny" to point the laser pointer between her and their cat... and well... this is what went on for about 5 minutes.
So, obviously, I think this counts. She babbles all day long and this is one of her favorite sounds to make! Don't worry, I will get more videos of it!
The next moring we tried the food again, and she is looking like she is getting the hang of it! Not quite sure if it is the taste, or the whole process in general, that gets her to make those faces. We are all having fun with it!
Oh yes, it's about that time. Ada got some rice cereal this morning (well, about a teaspoon full). She seemed a little concerned, but we reassured her that she was ready! Oh the fun we are going to have!
Ada got to spend the weeked in Bend, and while we were there, it snowed! She had fun watching itfll, but I think we will wait a while before we introduce her to snoball fights!
These girls don't even realize how lucky they are to have eachother yet. Ada could not take her eyes off her cousin, Paisley, and Paisley loved showing off for her little cousin. They were too cute!