Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Tree!

We took Ada to the tree farm to pick out our Christmas tree. She found us the perfect one! We got it home, got it decorated, and then just sat and stared. I think she likes the Holidays so far!
It is so funny to see her rolling around now! She is so proud of herself! Go Ada!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bath Time

This video just speaks for itself...

Monday, November 16, 2009


Even though Matt and I see her every day, we still can't believe how BIG she is getting. We had a great family day on Sunday!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ada likes to play

Just a few shots of how she likes to spend her day. Enjoy!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Daddy's struggle...

Every night Matt gives her a bottle and puts her to bed. The last few nights she has been "playing" instead of eating. She just loves her daddy time!

Where's Ada?

She is so close to rolling over onto her tummy, but this particular day, she got distracted ;). She's a little ham.

Day without Mama and Daddy

Ada spent the day with Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Al.... and Mia (their kitten) kept a close eye on her. I think they took pictures to prove to me that she had fun!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Funny Faces

Okay, before you think we torture our daughter, she was having fun! It was so cute, every time Matt "shaped" her face, she would coo. They have fun.

Ada's First Holiday

Happy Halloween! Ada loves the holiday season, and she kicked it off with a costume party at Matt's shop. Halloween day was spent visiting family and eating alot of candy (well, mom did anyways ;)).